Welcome to Westlands Community Primary School
At the heart of Westlands Community Primary School is a shared love of learning and discovery. We want children and adults alike to be inspired, challenged and excited as they gain a deeper understanding of the world around them and find answers for their questions. We want all our children to leave Westlands as resourceful, responsible, resilient young people, taking with them many marvellous memories and a desire to follow their dreams.
Mrs M.Gaskin | Headteacher
- Be kind
- Be safe
- Be responsible

'The school has very high expectations for all pupils.'
'They learn a broad and ambitious curriculum, and all pupils consistently achieve highly.'
'Pupils' engagement in lessons is impressively high.'
'The school's work on oracy is an area of strength.'
- Ofsted Nov 2024
- " I could not have wished for a better school" - Parent
- "The school has been amazing...he will be able to look back on his time at Westlands with lots of happy memories and inspiring teachers." - Year 6 parent
"I would like to take this opportunity in saying that I think your school has probably been the best school I had the pleasure of working with." - Foster carer
- "I tell everyone how amazing the pastoral team is at Westlands and how wonderful the support and care is that you give to the children and their families" - Visiting professional.
- "As a single working parent, I have been able to put my trust in the school." - Parent.
- "I just wanted to pass on my gratitude for not only listening to my feedback on the phone, but also your quick and positive actions taken as a result." - Parent
- "Westlands is a lovely community spirited school and I feel proud to have been part of this if only for a short time." - Trainee teacher.